Environmentally Friendly Spirometer Disposables

Doing well for the world without hurting it

Environmentally Friendly Spirometry

When you order disposable mouthpieces for your Jones Satellite spirometer; everything you receive from us is recyclable. It’s true, the mouthpiece, mouthpiece bag, and even the corrugated cardboard shipping carton are all recyclable! Environmentally Friendly Spirometry.

The patented sensor/mouthpiece design of the Satellite spirometer is a major step forward in spirometric technology; minimizing sterilization hassles, while improving testing efficiency and cost effectiveness.

In an effort to do our small part for the environment, the material that we use for the Satellite’s sensor/mouthpiece is a recyclable plastic. The Society for the Plastics Industry (SPI) states that this material is currently one of the top 6 materials in the world for recycling. Furthermore, we have recently been able to reduce the amount of plastic used in our mouthpieces by 50%.

You can help us do our part by disposing of your used Satellite mouthpieces and mouthpiece bags in your plastics recycling bin; and place the shipping carton in your paper recycling bin. Check with your city or Local Township today to see how you can participate!



New 2023 Spirometry Reimbursement Guide!